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Recipient of the Dr. Daurene Lewis Black Legends Bursary: NYLA




Carleton University

Field of Study/ Major


Please share what the Bursary program has meant for you so far in your post-secondary journey (mentorship, financial aid, career assistance)

It has meant a great deal to me and especially my family. Just everything in a whole was a great help. From financial aid,(now my parents down have to worry about how they will pay for everything) mentorship, ( having a place where I can come and feel safe about how I am feeling) and of course career assistance( I just know by the end of this journey I will come out having connections and people to help guide me into the next phase in my life.

⁠Any comments you would like to share about being matched with the Black Legend that your September 2023 Bursary was named after (please refer to certificate for Black Legend name, and details can be found at

I felt very proud to be named after Dr. Daurene Lewis. Reading her story really made me happy in a way to see all that she has done for black people in Canada. She is a very empowering women who can really show how strong and dedicated black woman are.

2023 Academic/Personal Highlight

For my academic highlight for this year honestly had to be keeping up with my grades. It was a big change from high school, so being able to keep up and get good grades was amazing.

For my personal highlight it has to be getting first place last weekend with my cheer team at school. It was our first competition as a team and coming out of it with gold was great.


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