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Celebrating Our 2021 Graduates

George Brown College Foundations in Banking Program Graduation On May 7th, 2021, 11 youth that were enrolled in the 13-week pilot program in partnership with RBC completed their program and graduated. All 11 have been hired post internship for full-time employment with RBC. The Foundation, George Brown College and Ahead of the Game worked together to create a virtual graduation experience complete with celebratory charcuterie boards, hand delivered certificates and graduation gifts. The feedback from the youth was consistently positive that this had been an opportunity for growth, development, and sustainable independence into a career. The youth prepared a testimonial video as part of the ceremony.

Mainstream Bursary Program 2021 Graduation Celebration

On Saturday, May 29th, as part of our regularly scheduled Saturday mentorship sessions, The Foundation team celebrated the 6 graduates that have or will complete their program in the 2020/2021 academic year.

The celebration highlighted student accomplishments- highest GPA, most improved GPA, most attended workshops, and perfect attendance for mentorship. Students that were highlighted were awarded gift cards for their accomplishments and the graduates were given a customized graduation gift from the Pinball Clemons Foundation.

We also received a few messages from some familiar (celebrity) faces that you may know!

We are looking forward to starting the Fall semester with double the amount of youth being supported and mentored over last year.

To learn more about what we do and how we support the youth in your community, please visit our website -

THE FUTURE STARTS WITH YOU and ends with youth successfully entering the workforce, gainfully employed in careers they desire.

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